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What is an acceptable Proof of Address?

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Most Coinsdrom users are required to submit supporting documentation to prove their identity. Most customers opt to submit a recent utility bill as a "proof of address".


What is accepted as proof of address?

• A recent utility bill (such as a gas, electric, or telephone bill) issued within the last 6 months. A cell phone bill does not qualify as proof of address.

• A current car or home insurance policy with your address on it

• ANY document issued by a government agency that includes your address

• An income or property tax statement or receipt with your address on it

• A social insurance document (with your address on it)

• A letter from your employer or licensed employment agency

• A statement, bill, or letter from a bank, building society, or credit card statement

• Vehicle Registration Certificate


Items that DO NOT qualify as a Proof of Address:

• An invoice – any invoice whether from Amazon, eBay, a moving company, or other private company are not a proof of address

• The Envelope - You must send a photo of the entire document, not just a photo of the envelope.


The image you send must be:

• Clear and in focus

• The entire document must be in the frame (do not cut off the corners)

• The entire document must be fully visible (no fingers in the way)

• Taken with a solid background (place the document on a solid-colored surface – flowers and polka dots distract the verification software)

• Taken in a well-lit environment.

• Taken without a flash. (The flash makes light spots on the document which makes it hard to read)


The document you send needs to be:

• Current or issued within the previous six months

• Latin letters must be used on the document, or a certified translation must be included.

• The first page of the document must be visible in its entirety.

• Your Coinsdrom Account name and the name on the document must be identical. Utility bills in the names of family members won't be accepted.


Reminder: it is required by law for all banks, building societies, and other companies offering financial services to verify the identity of anyone wishing to open an account or purchase any type of financial good or service from them. To prevent criminals from using them to launder money, they are required to follow certain procedures as outlined in the laws known as the Money Laundering Regulations.

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